
School’s Out!

Happy School Holidays Stock Illustrations – 1,769 Happy School Holidays  Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

And so we close our gates on another school year, and look to the sky for the sun! (Ever hopeful – it’s a bit like supporting Scotland’s men’s football team!).

Thank you so much for all the support you have shown our school community this year, and thank you for the many kind messages, cards, letters and gifts you have given us over the last few weeks. I echo all your praise of the staff team here at Crown who have worked tirelessly to support us all through another unusual and testing year.

In my last assembly of the year, I praised all the children for their resilience, hard work and positive attitude throughout the year – what an incredible effort from them! We are all so proud of every single one of them and they have earned their holidays more than ever.

We hope you all have a lovely summer! Enjoy the sun, the long days, time with friends and family and whatever else the next 7 weeks brings.

See you in August!

Mrs Bev Douglas


Schoolbag Mail today

We are pleased to be sending home a letter with each child today, with information about their new class and teacher for next year.

We will send out a full update on staffing and any other changes to the team here at Crown as soon as we can – there are still a few pieces of the puzzle to fall into place but we are nearly there!

Thank you once again for your patience and understanding, and as ever if we can help with any queries the most effective way to get in touch is via email at

We look forward to a fun and hopefully sunny last half-day of the session tomorrow!

Mrs Bev Douglas


Summer of Hope

The Highland Council is pleased to be able to offer some free activities and experiences during the summer thanks to funding from the Scottish Government.

Our “Summer of Hope” includes the activities included in the attached document.

Watch out for The Highland Council sharing a webpage which will include more activities to come.

Keep your eyes peeled for a “Summer of Hope” launch through Eden Court Under Canvas too.

There are many ideas for family activities through Parentclub page to help you get out and about and enjoy our open spaces.

Thanks for working so hard this year. Have a wonderful summer making memories with friends, family and everyone close to you inside and outside.

We can’t wait to hear all about it when you come back Refreshed, Reconnected, Re-energised and Ready to continue learning in August.

These are the 4 R’s we all need this summer!


Parent Council – April’s draft minute

Please find attached the draft minute from April’s Parent Council meeting.

As confirmed in the minute, I will be stepping down as Chair at August’s AGM. If you are interested in taking on the role please do not hesitate to contact the Parent Council for further information at

Joining details for the August AGM and meeting will be posted at the start of next term.

Thank you

Susan Catto
Parent Council Chair