
The holidays are here!

It’s becoming a tradition to begin these end of term messages with phrases like, “In a term like no other,” and I sincerely hope that this is the last time I’ll say it. However this term has seen more of us having to isolate, or stay off school for other illnesses, than any other time in the last two years, and with so many changes to guidance in our everyday lives it has been another rollercoaster few months. 

On saying that, and I’m always happy to repeat phrases like this: your children and our staff have achieved amazing things this term! Learning has continued to progress and as our thoughts turned towards Christmas at the start of December, the application of skills and indeed all of our school values were very much in evidence as classes planned, practised, budgeted for, measured up for and created some wonderful winter art and crafts. Huge thanks to P6-7 and their teachers for providing the Winter Fayre platform for selling their wares and for all classes to add their songs for all to view. 

Amongst the excitement of the class parties over the last couple of weeks, we managed to come together as a whole school to share our songs in real life. Traditionally we would do this in church at the end of each term but this time it was, of course, socially distanced and outdoors. Despite the low temperatures it was such a joyous shared experience and here’s a short clip of our final song: 

Crown Jingle Bells

Thank you all for the kind words, messages and gifts you have sent in over the past few weeks, whether in connection with classes isolating or Christmas. Your support is invaluable and one of the vital factors in keeping our community strong and ready to cope with whatever comes our way! 

School closes today until Thursday, 6th January 2022 and we do not expect to communicate any changes around Covid guidance or indeed any other aspect of school life before then. If there are changes to any of our Crown-specific guidance, this will be shared with you on Wednesday 5th January.    

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas break, doing things that you as a family love to do. Please stay safe and have fun! 

Mrs Bev Douglas 


Inter-House Championships – Winter Art Competition – Our Winners!

A huge thank you to everyone who entered our Winter Art Competition. The House Captains loved looking through all of the different entries and had a really hard time judging the winners!

A massive congratulations to our winners for Nursery-P3 and P4-7 who won lots of points for their school house team!

Nursery to P3

P4 to P7


Winter Fayre Orders – Payment

We are still waiting on payment for a number of our Winter Fayre orders. We are keen to get this wrapped up by the end of this week so that we can ensure that all orders are accounted for and have been delivered before we break up for Christmas.

If you have placed an order and have not yet paid then please put the cash into the school office by 3pm on Friday this week. If this is not possible due to isolation within your household then it would be great if you could let us know by contacting



Letter from Nicky Grant, Executive Chief Officer – Education and Learning

**** Edited at 7pm ****

We have been informed that the guidance contained within this letter regarding isolation when a positive case is identified, has since been updated as follows:

  • Positive cases must isolate for 10 days.
  • Close contacts must isolate for 10 days.
  • Household contacts of all cases, regardless of which variant is suspected, must isolate for 10 days. This applies to everyone in the household, irrespective of age, testing negative or being vaccinated.

A full statement will be released tomorrow, following a further expected government announcement tomorrow.

Thank you.

Good morning,

Please find attached a letter from Nicky Grant, which I received this morning. It contains important, updated guidance for dealing with Covid cases, and a reminder of the steps we must all take to prevent its spread.

We very much appreciate your support.

Mrs Bev Douglas