
Letter from Nicky Grant, Executive Chief Officer – Education and Learning

**** Edited at 7pm ****

We have been informed that the guidance contained within this letter regarding isolation when a positive case is identified, has since been updated as follows:

  • Positive cases must isolate for 10 days.
  • Close contacts must isolate for 10 days.
  • Household contacts of all cases, regardless of which variant is suspected, must isolate for 10 days. This applies to everyone in the household, irrespective of age, testing negative or being vaccinated.

A full statement will be released tomorrow, following a further expected government announcement tomorrow.

Thank you.

Good morning,

Please find attached a letter from Nicky Grant, which I received this morning. It contains important, updated guidance for dealing with Covid cases, and a reminder of the steps we must all take to prevent its spread.

We very much appreciate your support.

Mrs Bev Douglas

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