
Summer Fayre Planning

Exciting times- we are in full swing with our Summer Fayre planning and we need you!

For the Fayre to go ahead on Saturday 8th June, we need 20 parent helpers to support P6 on the day, we currently have 3 confirmed. We’d be delighted to welcome you on board! If we can’t get the adult support, P6 will run an activity afternoon for the children instead.

Assuming we go ahead on 8th June, P6 will lead on the raffle and will be looking for your connections to approach for a contribution. Keep your eyes peeled on the blog.

Please have a test-run of any gazebos (or big tents) you’d be happy to put up on the day so that we have weatherproofed the day as much as possible.

Please also start your sun dances 🙂

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